Youths Kingdom leadership in a post conflict country – A personal view.

Being a Christian youth in a post-conflict country has its challenges, however, when looking ahead there are certain things that come to mind. One, our place as youths in a traumatised and fearing nation, second our duty as leaders (in Christ) towards a country with many denominations. Their distinctions and my understanding of the topic That is why I have decided to write about kingdom leadership. In a nutshell, this is taking the word of God and using it for the empowerment of our communities beyond churches.

It has been a while since I posted here. I’ve been away finishing my undergrad. However, now that’s things are a bit freeing I am able to have time to blog once more. This Sunday, I would like to talk about the role of a Christian leader on the bases of Kingdom leadership. I’m still researching the topic and intend to continue bringing more post based on this topic.

Being a Christian youth in a post-conflict country has its challenges, however, when looking ahead there are certain things that come to mind. One, our place as youths in a traumatised and fearing nation, second our duty as leaders (in Christ) towards a country with many denominations. Their distinctions and my understanding of the topic That is why I have decided to write about kingdom leadership. In a nutshell, this is taking the word of God and using it for the empowerment of our communities beyond churches or denominations.

As Africans, our beliefs bind us to our traditions and cultures which in turn can sometimes have an effect on the way we perceive our life and the decisions we make in faith. As a Christian, I’ve lived under a patterned system that shows how many steps to take forward or back. With my Christian knowledge, my growth revolved heavily around following the word of God.

As we all know the Bible may be the same but the churches are not. Giving us a distinct perspective in handling matters of the faith by taking the gospel truth into consideration in everything. In this case, the difference between thinking on the bases of a kingdom perspective or a church perspective can mostly determine the radius affected by a result. To put this into perspective, Let me first explain what kingdom leadership is.

When you take the word kingdom, two things come into mind. One, the king (Christ) that has the authority over us. Second dom which represents dominion over something. As a Christian (myself)> from the Anglican church, our doctrine may differ from yours but we both live by the teachings of the word which composes our lives that is why you’ll see that the gospel of Christ does not discriminate over which church you’re from but treats all as equal under the gospel he taught. We can, therefore, deduce that The King (Jesus Christ) dominates our lives through the word.

Kingdom leadership is taking our teachings to the rest of the churches, ministries and the world instead of concentrating on those who’ve received it. So, As a leader in Christ, one does not remain to lead those who don’t need it but goes to those who do.

For instant, South Sudanese have communities all around the world. Most of these communities have challenges other leaders in other communities may have solutions for, however, due to the lack of that connection, most communities stay stagnant.

Church leadership concentrates its efforts on dealing mainly with matters of the local church. Giving less room to a wider understanding and a clearer picture of how religions affect others. I believe, that our churches together have a stronger stand on handling communal and country matters in an effective manner. However, since they’re divided by church-based practices it’s had for them to see the clearer picture.

You may agree or disagree with some of the things I’ve stated, that’s why I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic dear reader. Leave a comment below and lets. Talk.


  1. Dear Mamuch John, reading the piece, I remembered the words my mother used to teach me (us) about God and power. I feel we as youths has to love God more than we are into power in that regard. I therefor, encourage you to educate us more about Christ my brother. You never know who might need the help out there.
    May the almighty God bless you and open your mind for more “teaching”
    I enjoyed reading.

    • It is wonderful to hear from you brother owen. Before all things we put God first. Please share this post with our brethren and let us push for a God-fearing nation.

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