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Youths Kingdom leadership in a post conflict country – A personal view.

Being a Christian youth in a post-conflict country has its challenges, however, when looking ahead there are certain things that come to mind. One, our place as youths in a traumatised and fearing nation, second our duty as leaders (in Christ) towards a country with many denominations. Their distinctions and my understanding of the topic That is why I have decided to write about kingdom leadership. In a nutshell, this is taking the word of God and using it for the empowerment of our communities beyond churches.

My pleasant accidental Youth fellowship experience: A moral story that can change your perspective.

Last month, I attended a youth fellowship at nairobi baptist church, meant for motivating and encouraging youth to welcome unity. At first it was not my plan to attend, I was to meet with a group of peace makers to talk about peace building and learn how I can contribute and help bring that change. But I guess God had another lesson in store for me. This is why I truly believe that when God puts you on a path he guides you till you get to your destination.