Category DhielSoft

DhielSoft releasing “Bok Din Puɔnyä Kuɔth” a Nuer Gospel Hymns Application.

Ever been to church on Sunday and (in that part of the service) the preacher decided to tell the congregation to sing that song you don’t know the words to or you forgot your “Bok Din Puɔnyä Kuɔth” at home because you were late for the service? You’re not alone, I’ve had similar experiences. I know how hard it can be sometimes that’s why i’ve decided to do something about it. Most people would argue that they know all the Nuer Gospel hymns, research shows a hard fact to swallow, did you know there are more than 800 hymns written in the Bok Din Puɔnyä Kuɔth? any of which could caught you off guard when you’re singing your praises to the most high.

Activate Nuer Keyboard in Four Simple Steps.

Good morning guys, I recently released an alpha version Nuer Soft keyboard for android phones. which should allow you to communicate with your love ones quiet easily in your mother tongue. The keyboard is compatible with both Nuer and Dinka, more languages are coming soon to the keyboard after the release on play store next month. i'm working on more features including Multi-Junubien-Language integration and themes features so you can customize your keyboard to your own taste. more on that later. for now i'm here to show you a step-by-step guide on how you can activate the keyboard once you download it from my blog here.