A poem, a story : Just pain no gain.

Most of us have lived a life with a story worth telling for the better part of it and sometimes for the the opposite. Figuratively, I would say for every two south Sudanese one was a refugee displaced to one of the east African country to live his or her life in hope for a better one. A hope that is quickly replaced by confusion of asking “what if” and psychological trauma that seems to end only when it begins again. The headache of dreaming more to do more and heartache of leaving home behind to try more also seems to decimate themsevles and the truth along with the little sparkling glow on the other side of the tunnel I use to called hope no longer lingers from that reachable distance.

Sometimes the world shows its true colours and sometimes it only shows one red colour. As beautiful and glowy as it might looks, it’s lure strikes the bold men who can balance the century into a cold ground six feet under. Its very existence, its very nature is what maintain and hold life within its perimeters. But little did we know, withhold a man from his flash as he is one with it he cannot part with it. In places such as kakuma (Kenya), finyodo (Ethiopia) and agader (Kenya) People do the same thing, every year we sing for peace, unity and prosperity and yet we don’t achieve it and when we ask, what is wrong with our prayers? Has God turned a blind eye to our struggle? don’t we mean anything to him beneath his creation? Questions among questions we ask and beg for God to forgive us for sins we didn’t even commit in the first place.

Do not get me wrong prayer helps In more ways than you can imagine. For those of us experiencing upsetting emotions due to our experiences in an hostile environments and frightening memories from the horrors we’ve witness, prayer helps in reconditioning ourselves back to society and bring our thoughts back to us when we needed them the most. I guess you can say he works in miracles ways. However, prayer is not my message for you today.

As I was browsing the internet like I always do, I tent to find buzzar stories about who died horribly and what not. Like many of you so humble in knowing when what is fake, I ignore the story completely and in my head marked it as one of those red flag messages. All the messages I’ve found on the net mostly don’t strike me as important because they all have one thing in common and that is they are not related to me in any way whatsoever.

This particular story however caught my eye and the first thing I had to do is confirm whether it is true that a government soldier shot himself dead because his children died of hunger after months of no salary to sustain his family. According to the story the man emphasized on the fact that if he gives all to this country and his country did nothing in return to him and his family, what is the point of living? “It’s better I join my wife and children” says the man. Let me redirect this emphasis to you dear reader, what could have the man done differently if he had the chance and how could you have helped him if you were aware of his condition? As always leave your comments below and if you like this post kindly share it on social media.


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