Top 5 south sudanese songs

One thing that the young nation embrace is music. This holds a great deal for south Sudanese all over the globe as youths remain a proof of transition to civilization. To south Sudanese, music is so important even a mother would leave her child back home just to go for the latest song launch at Skylux or KICC “yes I’m talking of Nairobians” and Wasudes everywhere. Since the rise of musical era with Duop pur dup holding the torch, South Sudanese have excelled in music and today i would like to share with you my top five South Sudanese songs about peace.

  1. Gorden Koang : Thielako

Making the top of my list is Gorden Koang hit song about the green South Sudan. Describing the young nation as a prosperous country, Gorden Koang touched on the peaceful earth that has no quarrel with whichever seed be it from the depth of torturing hell or the blooming heavenly garden, anything can grow in Southern Sudan.

  1. Duop Pur Dup : CPA

Since long then i can remember, I’ve woken up in the morning expecting nothing but the constant daily worship about “when will peace come?” well since 2005 of course. when heaven broke loss with praise and worship, as all South Sudanese around the globe celebrate the signing of the comprehensive peace agreement in Naivasha on 9th of January 2005. Duop immortalized it in the best way he knows possible and that is through singing.

  1. Bilpaam Akech : twenty eleven 

Started singing in 2010, Bilpaam Akech was one of the artist that celebrated the referendum with an open heart and sleepless nights and created long lasting memories in lake state. “twenty eleven we will not forget this time” a very true lyric my brother. we shall never forget the day all south Sudanese stopped weeping for peace and finally started living it.

  1. Emmanuel Jal : We want peace

From national to international, we want peace and I’m calling on the whole wide world to help me scream and shout with Emmanuel Jal “WE WANT PEACE”. Emmanuel a war child who went through alot turned his anger from seeking vengeance to supporting peace. I’m not a therapist but if i was and Emmanuel was my client i would say he successfully channeled his emotions from intending to seek worst to something productive. i can’t praise this guy enough believe me!

  1. Garang Ateny : One People One Nation

Featured in SSTV, this song created a huge inspiration to the youths as they not only sing it for fun but for its words that are detailed on the need to respect each other as south Sudanese without any discrimination of any sort. this is marked as one of the most patriotic song that support unity in all corners of the South Sudan.

The above are a selection of my own. Do you think the above qualifies as top 5 south Sudanese songs for peace? If you don’t agree tell me your thoughts below; However, if you think otherwise tell me why down below at the comment section.





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