Tribute : Meet the refugee olympians

Thus far we’ve officially confirm the membership of South Sudan in the 2016 Rio Olympic games. A proud day it was for all South Sudanese all over the world. The foundation of success starts with an interest, initiative then success and for these brave and talented (yes sport is a talent) Olympians the story goes personal. Filmaid uploaded this video two days ago to give us a perspective of what drives our future champion. Take a look down below.


That is why you may find that, almost all the South Sudanese Olympians going to Rio are refugee. a dream finally met by the big man in the sky.

“This is what i have always been dreaming about after GOD opened the way for me. I am happy that, this is now my career because this is what is in my heart.”

“When i run it is very painful but i know i must keep going to succeed.”

“Running is hard work but you have to enjoy it and be happy so that you have to achieve your goal”

“With each run, every step you take you improve. my ultimate goal is to become a champion and bring people together.”

Taking up a tasks with that amount of expectation riding on it is a huge commitment then again there comes the question ” If you don’t do it then who will?”. I do however believe that if it is sport, we have no excuse. Big up to our champions for lighting the torch and opening the way for future champions I know you’ll make us proud.

Do you think the world is ready for South Sudanese champions? Better yet, do you think South Sudanese are ready to support their champions? Reader are you ready?

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