Better late then never : How I found this beautiful song “I’m a South Sudanese” by MER. With MadingThePoet

A few days ago I went to my friend’s place. I think you all might know him by the name Mading Deng sometimes Mading_The_Poet and as the name suggest, he is a poet. Mading has a knack of discovering wonderful south Sudanese music. I sincerely do not know how he does it but he tends to get the music I’m looking for. So on this opportunistic day, I had an appointment with him “which of course involves something you might cry watching soon” to work on some project.

Mading Deng the poet

so as we were sitting down, he was browsing the net looking for something to listen to. Let me give you a perspective, since my attention and everyone else’s in the room was diverted onto either their phones or laptop screens “This young generation”. Our attention was caught by the sound of a very relaxing acoustic guitar and my impression was “he’s at it again with playing that guitar” only to hear a beautiful voice that made me paused for a moment simply to enjoy the music. I then knew if I don’t make a cover of that song then I’ll write about it.

For a few days now I’ve been thinking about how to bring this to you guys but before that I did a little digging and turns out that the music is inspired to spread a message about peace and reconciliation as our country got into a civil war that took more lives than counted. A group of south Sudanese artists got together and use the only tool they have at their disposal to encourage peace and that’s their voices. Among them was Mer Mathew a lady with a golden voice and fierce love for South Sudanese culture. She was inspired to sing her latest hit “I’m a south Sudanese”. Click here to read the full article about this initiative and who else got involved on Here is the lyric.

Mer Mathew

“I am South Sudanese

I am tall, I am dark, I am beautiful that’s what’s up.

People please, don’t you see, I am a South Sudanese? I am keji, Am Achol, Am Nyabech, am Nyanuer

Darling please don’t you see, I am a Southern Sudanese?

It’s not about my hair, it’s not about my height, not about my colour, not about it


not about my tribe, it’s not about my cows, not about it all,

because, I’ve got lines, I’ve got dots,

I’ve got marks on my face. People please, don’t you see, I am a Southern

Sudanese? I am Warrap, Upper Nile, Jongolei2, all the states

People please don’t you see, I am a Southern Sudanese

It’s not about my hair, it’s not about my height, not about my colour, not about it


not about my tribe, it’s not about my cows, not about it all.

I am a South South Sudanese.”

By Mer Matthew and guys, I’m telling you as of then I couldn’t notice my environment but just listen to this beautiful relaxing song done wonderfully. As citizens of South Sudan, it is our duty to eradicate terror and misery through unity and understanding only then shall we achieve true peace. I’m inspired by this music and I will do my part no matter how small it is I will try to make a positive change through my talent and my acquired education. I love this song Mer if you’re reading this please sing some more. And guys don’t take my word for how beautiful this music is listen to it and tell me what you think by commenting below.

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